By Alais Springer '23
I’m tired of writing these poems
About a soulless body lying on the ground
Because their skin couldn’t catch the bullets
Because violence is a virtue
Or maybe they were just Black enough
Black enough to die
Because his hands couldn’t... weren't high enough
For he didn’t know he would have to say goodbye
But you claim you try so I'll just sit here
“I can’t breathe” won't become another example of how you’re trying
The surviving victims of this pain will not become another hashtag
When I was younger, no one ever told me that it was possible to live just to die
Or worse learn to survive
I don't want to survive, I want to live
Never knew it was so hard to ask of someone
To let me live
“Hands up don't shoot”
I’m just a kid but look at me, now what am I?
Sometimes, I wish I could use my blackness as a security blanket,
A mask I could put on and take off when I need to, just in case
Because I gotta get home
Because my mom gonna be wondering where I am, but I can't tell her in a cell
I don't want your sympathy.
One day I will be free but for now,
No Justice, No Peace.